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We are seeking to promote the education and celebration of cannabis through competitive gameplay, and to ultimately change the face of Cannabis Marketing.

What better way to market cannabis brands and products than through a game show that celebrates it!

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Our current game/show, “SOHIGH” was born out of the pandemic. It evolved from our original game "Smoke O’Hempics"(SOH) -later changed to Smoke’ Hempix. A game inspired by the legalization of medical marijuana in our state. After the legalization bill passed we started studying the beneficial properties of cannabis and quickly fell in love with "Mary Jane". Being the competitive crew we are, we wanted to play a game that involved this amazing plant and had some quality competition. To our dismay, we found nothing even close. So we made a game to play with some friends.. And the rest is history...



Our mission is simply to create games that have a purpose, invoke smiles, and spread laughter. Our current goal is to create the perfect vehicle for canna-biz marketing. SOHiGH celebrates cannabis in a competitive fashion, that affirms the users enjoyment, while providing distributors a uniquely targeted marketing approach.

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